Baby and pets


I have a 4 year old pitbull who was attacked by another pitbull 3 years ago. She has been extremely skittish and unreadable ever since this incident. We have been through training but it really didn't help her get over her fears. I still love her to death.

Fast forward to bringing home my newborn 6 weeks ago. I immediately feared my dog and cried every day and kept thinking the feeling would pass when my hormones straightened themselves out. I've never ever feared her. But here we are and I still don't feel any different. I actually feel worse.

I'm home 80% of the time with her and the baby alone. And it's a mess. We followed all the tips our trainer gave us to introduce the dog and baby slowly. But she still isn't feeling it. She becomes so fixated on the baby when he's crying or making noise and you can't break her focus. She won't listen to you and she's like a brick, you can't physically move her. I put her in her crate when I need a break or get nervous. She has now resorted to breaking out of the crate. I caught her chewing the metal. I put the gate up in the room she's crated just in case She somehow was able to push the bottom half of he gate open to escape and cut herself up AND hop over the gate. So I carry the baby everywhere I go because I clearly can't even trust the crate or gate. 😩

It's given me so much anxiety that I have been sick for days.

Any tips or suggestions? Is this normal and will it pass soon? Everyone tells me she's jealous and it will work out. But I can't tell if they are feeding me BS just because they don't have their own kids yet.

I feel like I am doing everything completely wrong. 😭