I thought I was OK.


So yesterday I miscarried at 7weeks+5. It was my second miscarriage and I knew it was coming from the moment I had my first bit of spotting. Yesterday I thought I was OK, I understood what was happening and there was nothing I or anyone could do to stop it. I even thought to myself that I was being quite hard about it, I surprised myself. But today I have woken up sad, lonely, in tears, worried about the future and if this happens again for a third or fourth time. My belly feels squishy and soft, not hard like it was last week and I think this is the realisation that I'm not going to have a tiny baby in my arms in seven months time. My 4 year old son isn't going to have his little brother or sister. I won't see my husband become overjoyed and soothing the tiny bundle to sleep. The hopes and dreams I built up over just a short amount of time have come crashing down and I just feel broken 💔