She’s here!!!


She didn’t come out on her own so July 12th at 845 pm we went in to get induced. By 10 pm they put the foley balloon in but I was already 2cm! By midnight I was at a 4 then hooked up to pitocin 😳😳 by 430 they bumped me up to 4 milliunits of it and I was constantly having contractions but they weren’t consistent enough. I was stuck at 4cm for 4 hours! Finally at 5 in the morning I was at 5 cm but only 80% effaced. My contractions were still right after another. My midwife showed up at 639 in the morning and I was up to a 6-7. I felt like I had to push the entire time when I went up to a 7. I finally got up to a 10 at 745! 😊😊 I could finally push and at 811 am our baby girl was born!! 5lb 12oz and 19 inches long! We had to be induced to the fear of me having IUGR but turns out she was 4 ounces and a quarter inch smaller than her older brother when he was born so no IUGR just SGA! We were so relieved that she was born so healthy and with so much hair!! I did not feel like a trooper but I went with induction of a balloon and pitocin without an epidural (NEVER AGAIN).. by 1230 that day we were able to go home and enjoy my recovery where I was comfy and not hooked up to an annoying IV and bed ridden.