Has anybody experiences 3 miscarriages and gone on to a healthy pregnancy?


In November 2015 I had a miscarriage at around 5 weeks, a whole year later in November 2016 the same thing happened again, I was ttc for 2 years with no luck, at the end of June I found out I was pregnant for a 3rd time, when around 7 weeks I experienced spotting and worried then so went to early pregnancy unit where they gave me a internal scan, they found the baby and it’s heart beat but heart beat was slightly slow they told me everything looked how a pregnancy should but the only problem was the heart beat, they told me to come back in a week to see how things were going, straight after the internal scan the bleeding got really bad with slight pains, I went back yesterday and they told me my baby had passed.. I’m worrying now that there’s something wrong. I’m 22 years old. I’m worried it’s going to take me ages to conceive again, has anyone else experienced this and gone on to having a healthy pregnancy? Or has anyone got any advice?