Doctors appointment update


Just left my 37w OB appointment!

Cervix isn’t dilated, but it’s soft with approx 50% effacement and the baby has dropped a bit! 😊

At least there’s some progress!

Speaking of getting a cervical check- is it painful for anyone else?!?! She had to use one finger, two was just too painful. I probably should have asked if that’s normal. She didn’t seem concerned or mention anything about it. But wth?

When I arrived my Dr was across the street at the hospital, I guess someone was at LD.

At the end of our appointment we discussed if I were to be induced when we would make the call. And she basically said it’s up to the specialists and how I continue to do with the low Papp-A. It could happen anytime within 10 days of my due date, unless LO decides to come early on her own.

Then she made a joke about the full moon and I asked if she really felt like more babies were born on a full moon. (She’s a bit superstitious - which I only found out when she once joked “I’ll induce on any day but the 13th!”)

But I was really surprised when she said she’d already delivered two babies this week! 😱 It’s only Weds morning!

C’mon baby girl!!!! Make me a believer!
