Need to vent (Long post)


Being pregnant should be a joyous experience for me. Don't get me wrong my boyfriend and I are excited that we're expecting. I think, read, watch, and dream about everything pregnancy related. I unfortunately lost one of my jobs doing customer service for this couple that runs their own nutrition shop selling/promoting Herbalife. Other than that I work part time as a bartender, while my boyfriend works as a grill cook. Before we had no problem maintaining our apartment but now bills aren't getting paid, cash flow is slow and the money we make isn't stretching. I've been trying to find work to no avail and have even tried applying for bank loans and online loans with no luck. I'm at my wits end and don't know what else to do. Borrowing from family and friends hasn't gotten anywhere and while I'm trying to not stress and hurt my baby, bills are still hanging over our head.