Major tmi! (mole removal) 🙈

So I have in total three moles close to my lady bits. Two on the bikini line right where my leg creases and one small one right at the top of my hair line. Yesterday I had the biggest one removed only I didn’t go to a dermatologist. My gynecologist said she would be able to remove them herself after speaking with her. So for the first one she numbed it with a shot and cauterized it off basically. She told me to keep this white tape she put first on for three days and to keep the dressing on for one. Well I took the dressing off this morning and noticed to tape coming off. Me being curious I lifted it just to take a peek and see what things were looking like. (Pic below) afterwards I put the tape back on and used more tape to make sure it stayed. She told me after three days to used Neosporin and nothing about using anything else. I go back next week for her to check on it and to also take care of the other two moles except she said something about putting acid on them and that they would flake off. One, I’m concerned about what this one I got removed looks like cus wtf it’s like black. And two, I’ve never heard of someone putting acid on a mole to make it go away. Three, I’m unsure of the aftercare she told me. Every video I’ve seen said to put something on it sooner than that. So has anyone had this happen? Did yours look like this after? When will the black go away? So many questions. Sorry for the long read!😫 P.S. the mole was not as big as the black spot so idk what’s going on😭