Miscarriage and now pregnant.


My husband has been home from prison a little over a year been trying to get pregnant for about six months. Back in late April I got pregnant didnt make it seven weeks before we lost that baby.

I was so excited starting getting things I wanted off garage sale places on Facebook this would be my husband's first baby that he was home for to see grow in my belly. And watch be born. Did i mention we were so excited.

May 1st my Birthday our world started crashing I was bleeding and doctor's said that the baby was gone. I was devastated and crushed on my Birthday and then to have to try and celebrate mothers day at the lake which is my favorite place I was just a mess.

Now two periods later my due date to start my period should be Sunday the 29th. I was helping my husband with our camping gear for this weekend and I just had an idea to go take a test. It was very faint, probably because I didnt use a cup and just peed on it in a rush. And I thought I saw the second line. Probably because I wanted to see it

All day at work I couldn't stop thinking about that test from this morning so I drank two bottles of water at a friends house. And took a test again, but still faint lines that didnt prove much.

So tonight after work my daughter and I went to the store and grab a box of two. My husband went to go grab a parts boat so I knew I had time to get back and take the test.

First test showed up right away, so I had to take the next one.

Now, I have to come up with a perfect plan for his Birthday (: which is in the morning!! Goosebumps!!

This is my family oldest is my step daughter but so much of me loves her like she is mine. The youngest is my husband and mine. We knew he was headed to prison and I wanted a baby I didnt care. So we made it happen and he missed it all.

pray for us.