Baby names. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I always hate picking baby names because you really can’t please everyone. Even though the only opinions that matter are myself and my husbands, it still hurts when people say “Ew!” or “No way!” when you tell them names you like.

We have an almost 2 year old named Anna Jade. Nobody really liked the name Anna, but I had such a good feeling about that name & it suits her so well. Everyone loves it now. And I doubt there will be many others with the same name once she’s in school.

If we have another girl, which I have a good feeling we might, my husband and I like Holly. We never agree, so this is insane. My parents like it, but other family members don’t. Not sure of a middle name yet...

I have an Aunt Holly so I think it’s weird for some of the family, even though I think keeping a name alive is awesome. She’s pumped that we’re even considering it. I just think the name is so pretty and timeless.

Again, I know their opinions don’t matter, but what do you ladies think of the name? Does it go well with my daughters? Is it that bad?