Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ......... UPDATE.......2ND UPDATE


So I'm thirteen and into theater. I'm doing one now called all shook up. I today was my first rehearsal... I need to know if this guy thinks I'm cute or not lol... Help!!! This is what I wrote in my diary...

Tonight at all shook up rehersal we were singing in a chorus room and the director told this boy to move from the soprano seating to the base seating. I think his name was Daxton or something... I'm not sure. Something exotic but it definitely started with a D. Anyways... He was SOOOOOO CUTE!!! Like blond hair, around my height probably somewhere between thirteen and fifteen. And I swear to god... He kept looking at me... ME!!!! And I looked like crap I hadent even brushed my hair... Note to self... LOOK NICER NEXT TIME!!!! Once I caught his eye and smiled and looked away... I'm such a doofus. Ugh, it's probably all in my head... He probably dosnt even know I exist. Eh, we'll see next time.

I talked to him in a group conversation... So... What do you think??? Is he into me??? HELP!!!!

UPDATE: So I did end up dating his guy. He is my first boyfriend. We started dating on September 18th. I think I'm going to break up with him tonight. He's not what I thought he was. He scares me sometimes and is a bit too clingy. How do I get over him. Hint: Already made a Break Up Song (BUS) playlist.

2ND UPDATE: I did break up with him... He was a dick... He kept my contact after two months and texted me saying he missed me... Ugh... The nerve