i had a miscarriage yesterday


I had my 2nd miscarriage me n my husband were so happy he was even more happy I was so scared in this pregnancy because of the 1st one I told my mom n dad because I wanted them to know my dad been on hospice so I wanted to tell him in case I didn't get the chance to tell him now I gotta tell him I lost our baby n he was so happy so proud so glad to have a reason to fight for his life now I feel like I let him down .. I won't talk to my husband i couldn't even cry when the Dr told me it was a miscarriage I know before all the test but I just couldn't cry couldn't say nothing my HCG levels were really high so I still feel pregnant n just feel like nothing like if it hasn't hit me or something I feel like I can't even go anywhere because I feel like people just look at me like I'm a mess but I lost my baby I just don't know .. how did y'all cope with it?