Femara and Progesterone


Help! My husband and I have been TTC for nearly 7 years. We recently started seeing a fertility specialist. After some ultrasounds and testing, our doctor suggested femara due to speculation that I was not ovulating. Last month was my first month on it and self admittedly, I didn’t track or test as much for ovulation like I should have. I knew the chances of pregnancy were slim. I had cycle day 21 blood work done and just found out that my progesterone levels were a 4.5. The nurse said this means that I did ovulate last month, but everything else I am reading is stating the opposite. Does anyone have experience with this?

I’m on round 2 of femara, 5 mg and bound to making this a better cycle. I tested for ovulation this AM, as I am on day 10. I know it’s early for ovulation but I want to catch it this time. However, doesn’t 4.5 seem low for ovulation to have occurred last month?

All of this science behind making a baby is enough to make me go crazy. Thank you in advance for any thoughts or comments.