FINALLY... Pregnant after depo ❗️

Patricia • Boy Mom of 2 🌈 Rainbow baby 🤰🏽Fitness🏃🏾‍♀️Health 💆🏽‍♀️ TTC #3👩🏾‍⚕️ Minimalist

One live birth, and 2 miscarriages later .. After 8 months from when my next shot was due, vitex for 2 months to jump start my period and few doctors appointments to monitor my cyst, WE'RE PREGNANT ❣️

The more I read that it's so hard to get pregnant after, causes me a lot a stress which isn't good when trying to conceive. I started using a ovulation temp till my dog chewed it!!

My Irregular cycle made it harder to track, so my doctor prescribe me to try the pill for 3 month to get regular but that would set me back from what I wanted to achieve, but thank god for glow, trying to pin the right date , I started trying a few days before my possible ovulation date(s) each month. I trusted my gut not to start the pills as they sat on my dresser.. don't give up and listen to your body 😊

Guess I should return the tampons I bought two days ago 😅