I don’t know wha to do

Question. How do you deal with a clingy child (trying not to say spoiled)? My son is nine months. He is a sweet baby boy, however he wants to be held 100% of the time. A month ago he was not like this, a month ago he would play with his toys, or enjoy his bouncer. He was a calm baby who liked watching others, and only cried when hungry or sleepy. Yet on June 24 until last Friday we stayed at my mother in law’s while work was being done to our home, so we could have water for baby. While at my mother in law’s they would pick my son up every time he cried! I would walk away to make a bottle (a less than five minute process) he would start getting a little fussy since he was hungry, and immediately someone be it my mother in law or brother in law would pick my son up. They would hold him constantly, which it’s great they wanted to love on him but I feel like all of that has effected him. I now can not leave his sight to make a bottle without him screaming, I am sitting right next to him as I type this and he’s crying. He is in his walker, he has been fed and changed. I am even trying to give him an extra snack to calm down yet he won’t stop until I pick him up and hold him. I know I should enjoy the time I have while he’s little and wants to be held, however this new behavior is hurting my job as home maker. I can not get any household chores done properly. I am lucky to trick him with snacks for a mere 5 minuets to make coffee and grab a bag of chips. My mom suggests letting him cry while I clean and cook, I feel like a bad mom if I do that. Yet I don’t want to reinforce what my in law’s have instilled in my son that if he cries he is picked up. I know he knows that if he cries he is picked up, because when you go up to him he will put his arms up for you to pick him up. He is not teething either I’ve took him to his pediatrician Monday for a check up and asked. He also will no longer hold his bottle (when in law’s fed him and would always hold it for him) ! Thank you

[Edit by Glow: Removed call-out]