Sharing my story to give anyone with PCOS hope

I always had a feeling my whole life I would struggle to get pregnant. I’m not sure why because no one in my family has had any problems. I had been on birth control since I had gotten my period as a child around age 14 but I always struggle with finding one that would work for me. I finally got an iud in my early 20s. Once I got it out we started trying I just kept feeling liking something wasn’t right. My periods were very irregular and I would have severe cramps sometimes my periods would last for a whole month then not come back for four months. I asked my obgyn to test me for PCOS because I did a bunch of research and it sounded like I had that. After getting tested I met with several different obgyn saying “ you can’t be diagnosed with PCOS “ and there’s nothing we can do for you.” Eventually one of the doctors started me on clomid and they kept telling me I wasn’t ovulating at all and that was a horrible sign. They made me feel like complete shit and helpless. I decided to leave and go to a fertility clinic and I’m so glad I did. They made me feel so hopeful from day one. They ran so many tests. I had a big cysts that with medication went away. They ended up putting me on metformin letrozole and trigger shot. I also used pressed. I was about to give up but now I found out I’m five weeks pregnant ! So ladies don’t give up and make sure you feel happy with your health care provider. And advocate for yourself ! Just because you have PCOS doesnt mean you can’t get pregnant. It just means we have to work a little bit harder. But in my life I have noticed great things come with a little hard work. Baby dust to everyone !