Birth story🤰➡️🤱


Went in for my regular check up at my doctors only to be hooked up to her monitors to check on my little bundle of joy. He had a dip in his heartbeat and since I didn’t really feel him move she sent me to l and d to be monitored. I was a good 3cm at her office and fully effaced. After being there for 2 hours I was having contractions every 10 mins and that took me to 4 cm so they decided to admit me and see what happens. 3 hours later around 10pm I was only 6cm and boy was I feeling those contractions. Being in the bed didn’t help either so I had to keep standing with every contraction till my doctor came in and checked me saying we were ready to go. After a good 10 pushes he was out within 15 minutes or so. A healthy 6lbs even and 19 inches long. I can’t wait for his big brother to meet him and am so glad I finally have my baby boy in my arms