Does my guy friend like me?

So I have a close friend and he is always super nice to me and he would always FaceTime me after school and we would talk and work on homework and stuff and he would always jokingly say things like "I love you" and "will you marry me" and things like that and I would always respond as "yeah ok thanks" but not in a mean way just in a jokingly way back. Anyways one day we were sitting with the group we usually sit with and he was sitting next to me and said "when I first met you I thought you were really pretty..." And it was so sweet of him to say that and I just responded like aw that's so sweet. Basically it's just really hard to tell if he actually has real feelings for me or if he's just joking around. We haven't talked recently though because it's summer break and he's been busy with camping and stuff but it's just been confusing. I feel like I like him a bit but I feel like I'd rather keep the good friendship we have now then be with him and it could just be me missing him as a friend.