Anyone else just feel no need for babysitters?


My daughter is almost 8 months and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve left her for a few hours with a sitter (always my mom or my husband-husband technically NOT a sitter but you know what I mean)

I know my MIL would love to babysit but honestly I’m going back to work in January when my mat leave is up (yay Canada) and I’m going to have to leave her 8 hours a day! I just want to spend as much time with her as I can.

She’s a great baby during the day now that her colic is finally gone, but at night she just won’t sleep unless she’s snuggled up to me (and I’m not complaining, I love it lol). Naps like a dream in her crib but only if she’s nursed to sleep.

So if I wanted a date night that would mean leaving her with someone and knowing that she would be staying up way too late which is just more of a hassle than it’s worth.

I could leave her during the day I guess but I don’t want to? So I’m not going to? Unless something comes up 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also pumping is the worst and I’d just way rather not. Leaving my baby just doesn’t ever seem worth it!