I finally told my mom

At 17 I was brutally raped at a party. It happened 7 years ago next month.

What made me open up was someone dating a sibling is going through the legal proceedings. My mom opened up to me about her assault and I finally told her about mine. I never came forward and never opened up. I told her the names of those involved and turns out that one of the guys that raped me had raped a 15 year old either before or after me. I’m not his only victim... I told her that if his victims come forward I will too even though it’s been so long. I feel terrible because I may have been able to help the other girl but was too afraid to come forward.

I feel better coming forward and getting to name those involved in my rape. I always regretted not coming forward but am secure on why I didn’t. My dad is the only one that doesn’t know still, and I hope to keep it that way.

What happened has really been eating me up lately too because I’m so close to the date it happened (I think) and all of my close friends have been raped in their pasts.

If anyone is struggling due to being assaulted, just know you’re not alone and stay strong. You are amazing, you will get through this hard time, it will get better, and I wish the best for you. I admire everyone that has had the strength to come forward and sympathize with those who haven’t or wont, I understand and my heart breaks with every single one of you.