Beyond Frustrated

Andrea • My rainbow 🌈 baby girl was born on August 4, 2018 (2 babies in Heaven)! Blessed to be mommy to this blessing! My heart is filled with joy 💜💜

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh uuuuggghhhhhhh!!!!!

I'm so frustrated 😡

Last week the dr told me that we were going to make a plan to schedule a c-section for next week. I get in there to see her and once again she checks me to see that there is no progress beyond my being 60% effaced. So now instead of scheduling a c-section she decides to make me come next week for a growth scan, a non stress test and to see her before finalizing a plan. She thinks my stupid pelvis is too small for the baby to move down. Saying she'll probably try to induce me next Friday and if that don't work then it'll be a c-section that weekend when I'm damn near 39 Weeks anyway. Been crying my eyes out and just want to punch a wall!!!
