Flat head / brachycephaly?

Caroline • mama to Haley, born April 5, 2018 & Emily, born April 22, 2020 🎀

I’m a first time mom and constantly worry about my daughter getting a flat head. She hates tummy time and is a super fussy baby. Hates being in a baby carrier. It’s hard to keep her off her back but we try all day long...it’s exhausting and I still feel like she is developing flatness in the back as she sleeps on her back looking up. I will turn her head sideways in her sleep and she’ll just turn it back a few minutes later. Here are some pics I took the last couple of days...thoughts??

Like these pictures, I feel like maybe it’s just her chunky neck that makes her head look flatter than it is maybe? She’s a whopping 15 lbs at 16 weeks old.

Here is a view from the top. Does this look like brachycephaly?