nerves before sex

so i’m about to lose my virginity to my boyfriend of 3 years... i’m SUPER excited, but can’t help but feel nervous.

he’s going to wear a condom and i’ve been on birth control for almost a year, & i’m gonna make him pull out. & i’m about to start my period next week, so if for whatever reason my birth control failed me, i’m far from when i would’ve been ovulating. pregnancy shouldn’t be on my radar, right?

it’ll hurt a little bit, but i’ll live lol, right?

& i shouldn’t be freaking out bc it’s not a big deal, right?

just need some words of encouragement/advice. this is something i’ve wanted to do for awhile and i’m really excited that he will be my first, i just can’t help but have some last minute jitters. any advice/words of wisdom?