I think my baby is bored :(

Hippie mumma 🍃

He's 18 weeks old (6 corrected). so he's basically like a 6 week old even though he's 4 months.

He will likely reach milestones slower too which is fine.

He's alert a lot of the day now and this was fun at first because he'd find certain toys, mirrors, objects interesting to look at. I'd even be able to put him under a baby gym for ten minutes while I ate some toast and brushed my teeth.

Well a month on, he's bored of everything. He still wants to be held all the time and starts flapping his arms and then crying after a minute of looking at something and you have to move him. I literally sing ALL day because he likes watching me sing. He won't even take his dummy anymore.

We go for a walk every day and that sends him to sleep but he wakes up when he stops moving!

I used to babywear while I did the housework but we're not used to a 30 degree heatwave in the UK and I'm too tired to have him on me all day or keep on top of housework because he feeds every 2 hours overnight too.

I don't have a garden either.

Any tips for entertaining a young baby please??

I don't know if full term 6 week olds are like this?

Everyone's been telling me it gets easier for months and if anything he's just getting more demanding.