TTC (I’m at wits end.)

Lil Bit

So here is my run down my journey stretches far back to around the age of 18. I’m now 26 and I feel like I’m just so broken, me and my fiancée have been trying almost a year to no prevail. I feel like I’m less than a woman and have been feeling this way for years because of my menstrual irregularities, which started as soon as I first saw my menstrual. It’s pretty much none existent without taking BC and I’ve just recently this month started back on account of me getting kicked off my families insurance for turning 26 😞😔 (add insult to injury) on top of that I’m an on call security officer for a company based in N.C but I live in FL so you can almost guess there’s issues with that plus no insurance through the company and my last actual shift was in May 🤦🏾‍♀️, so not really able to afford individual insurance and I somehow do not qualify for Medicaid which sucks. Not to mention my recent well woman’s exam (which I had to pay for outta pocket) pap results were abnormal which caused my anxiety and depression to flare up worse than before. I associate myself with women slightly older than me and they have told me to not panic that “it could be nothing” and it has happened to them and after getting a biopsy or colposcopy it turned out to be nothing. One has two adult kids of her own and the other has had 3-4 Miscarriages since being with her husband no kids and she has cystic fibroids. I’m pretty much venting because it’s really bothering me and he notices it everyday, my mood swings are all over the place I get really emotional at times and burst into tears every time I think to myself “What is wrong with you?” It’s to the point where I feel if I can’t conceive I feel our relationship will end based on my mental state, which he says to me he’ll always be here no matter what but I just feel with all of my issues he will get tired and either stay because he feels bad or just leave. I just would like to know if there is hope for my situation but I really feel there isn’t at this point. Thinking it’s not meant for me or that I’m just not blessed enough to have my own bundle of joy.. sorry just venting.