Just feel like sharing

Franki • 27 - Married - Mommy of 2

I’m stuck in a motel for the next 2 weeks waiting for my c-section. Out of boredom I figured I’d share my 35 week update.

Previa is a complete previa (and has been since 20 week scan) hence the c-section. I have to be within 15 minutes of the delivery hospital in case of bleeding/labour. We’re 2 hours from home. Little Man will be here 8 am August 9 😊

I’ve been on restrictions since 27 weeks when I started seeing my OB (Canadian healthcare system) as my GP didn’t know I had to limit certain activities or at least didn’t seemed concerned by it (especially 🍆🍑).

Had another ultrasound at exactly 35 weeks and Little Man was measuring 6lbs 3 oz. I’ll be so happy to have this baby... so done with being pregnant lol.