PCOS and Hypothyroidism


Hi guys. On Monday, SO and I went to our first infertility clinic appointment, where he was told he was perfect and I was poked and prodded and told "age is a factor" and that I have PCOS (never diagnosed before).

Anyhow, I started reading up on PCOS, whilst I wait for my HyCoSy appointment. Today I came home from work to a letter, which I was hoping was that appointment, but it was a copy of a letter to my GP, asking him to prescribe Thyroxine for my sub clinical hypothyroidism, which they had picked up during all the tests on Monday.

So anyway, I have now started reading up about hypothyroidism and infertility and the links between that and PCOS.

I have found a lot of articles suggesting giving up gluten and dairy and soy and sugar with PCOS. I am already pescatarian and do not consume cows milk and I react badly to it (probably due to the PCOS). Anybody got any good recipes/diets that have helped you out with symptoms and hopefully conception? Has thyroxine helped anyone get pregnant?

Thank you