Anyone have some advice?


I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow (STM), since 130am I have been having horrible very painful contraction. They got to 7 minutes apart about 4am and I was in so much pain we decided to go into L&D.; They checked my cervix and I am 4cm and 70% effaced, just 2 days ago I was a 2cm and 50%. Well after 2 hours my contractions were still coming at every 5 minutes and painful but they weren't getting any stronger or closer so we were sent home. I'm STILL having contractions 16 hours since they started. They are still painful, my head is killing me, I cant get any relief. I've tried a warm bath, lots of water, laying down, my birthing ball, massaging my back, walking around. Nothing helps, and moving to much actually makes it worse. Has any body ever experienced this? Is there an end soon?! Like within hour/couple of days? Idk if I can go through this much pain for weeks? I've already thrown up twice from the pain. Also placenta is Anterior and baby is in an OP position. Please help me with some good news! I'm miserable!!!!!