Idk if I’m over analyzing


So I went on this date with this boy on Tuesday and it wasn’t are normal date we ended up hanging out at his house with his family watching movies and stuff it was really fun. At one point it was really late and his whole family just disappeared randomly and it was just me and him talking for about an hour or so it was about 11 and we talked almost till 1am but the whole time I had this feel king he was gona kiss me cause I noticed he kept looking at my lips and we were also really close (face wise lmao ) but idk maybe I’m just over thinking it cause I really wanna kiss him but idk

And then we went out again yeasterday and fel the same way and it felt like the same thing was happening but I’m so confused cause if he wanted to kiss me he would have right ? I feel like I’m just being dumb but idkkk