Boyfriend wants to know how I know I’m bisexual?


The title says it all, my boyfriend is curious about how I know I’m Bisexual. I’ve only been dating him for a few months but we’ve known each other for years. Before I got out of my previous relationship I realized I had curiosity and interest in being involved with another girl. This was also one of the reasons I got out of the relationship and shortly after I did experiment enough to know I am bisexual. Now that I’m in a new relationship I want to be able to explain to him how I know I’m bisexual. The problem is that as far as he knows I’ve never done anything sexual with another girl. I know it’s wrong to keep that from him but me and him have already had some issues where I messed up in the beginning. I feel awful for the being this way. Sometimes I feel bad because I know he feels like now he has to worry about me being unfaithful with another girl. But I’ve explained and apologized to him that I’m committed to him completely. If any other bisexual girls have advice on explaining my sexuality to him it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much