This ladies, is an a******!!!!

Back story, this guy messaged me on instagram and we started talking. Then he was all rude to me two weeks later and said it wouldn’t work and then afterwords told me he was talking to another girl. We kept a streak. Flash forward to today and I was asking how he was and how him and the girl were and he randomly goes “I can’t believe you sent me nudes” and I send back “Totally can believe you did 😂” (first guy I sent any to) which I was saying this in a joking way but he gets pissed off about the slightest things and he blocked me on snapchat then messaged me on instagram as you can see. I won though because he blocked me. I was thinking maybe I should send these to the girl he’s talking to but idk if that’s a good/right thing to do. Plus she might get mad at me and take his side. Anyway, idk. Enjoy ladies.