Do you think it’s worth it?


I had double mastectomy 30 years ago. And I’ve been thinking for a a year how about Breast Reconstruction and nipple reconstruction so they look normal again. I was planning to set it up then I found out I was pregnant with my daughter who’s now 6 months old!! Followed by 3 step kids and my 3 sons 10,7 (8 on Sunday), and 6 years old. And I know it been 30 years, I’m 48 now, but I’ll need a tissue expander first for 6-8 weeks, I’m just planing ahead of time since I’m a teacher and with summer vacation almost being over, the teachers go back Friday August 31st, to get our class lists and stuff I work at a technical-regional school so I teach 2 grades for example this past year I taught 9th grade 1 week, 12th grade the next week. Back in May it was crazy since I had 9th grade May 7th-11th then the 14th and 15th. Then I had seniors the 16th-25th. Since there last day was the 30th we had to prepare them for final exams. Sorry LOL back to my point! I was originally done having children but my daughter wasn’t planned so now I’m definitely done having kids. Do you all think reconstruction is worth it? I was thinking of doing it next summer like in late May so I only have to take a few weeks off then I’ll be on summer vacation so I can recover from it all. TIA!