My Birth Story! Sorry it’s so long🤷🏻‍♀️


Well let’s just start by saying I’m a first time mom and my WHOLE pregnancy I thought I was gonna have my daughter early! Welp jokes on me because our daughter was beyond stubborn! Mila Rose is now almost 3 months old!! Her due date was April 22 and she was born on April 30th.

Well the doctor scheduled to start my induction on April 29th at 9:30 at night, because my cervix was still high and almost completely closed at my 40 week appointment🙄 So I went in they started my iv’s and got my blood work done and then at 10 they put the first pill on my cervix to soften it at that point I was only at 1 cm! Four hours later they come to check on me and I was only at 1.5 put another pill on my cervix checked me another 4 hours later and I was at a 2!! So I was progressing well.

When they put the last pill on my cervix at 6 they said the doctor would eventually be in to break my water. By this point I still had no sleep AT ALL and I’m just now starting to feel contractions but they weren’t to bad yet. At 8:30 my doctor comes in and checks my cervix and I was at a 4!! He broke my water and said I should progress about a cm an hour. So at about 9-9:30 the nurse comes in and starts my pitocin which scared me because I knew it would speed up the process! Lol

Anyways after pitocin things started to get intense! My contractions started getting stronger and stronger to the point I ended up asking for some IV pain medication that was at around 10:30. And when they checked I was at 5 cm which isn’t to bad for a ftm. Wellllll that didn’t help at all lol they just made me SUPER high! Lol It did make it easier to breath through the pain though! Well around 11 I asked for an epidural even though I swore up and down my whole pregnancy I wouldn’t get one. So my nurse goes and gets stuff set up for me to get my epidural. BUT by the time she comes up to my room I’m crying,my fiancé is cryin, and so is my mom because of the pain I’m in. I told the nurse something didn’t feel right. I felt like my vagina was on fire and I had FOUR contractions in a row and let me tell you they were terrible.

After I said something didn’t feel right they finally went to check my cervix and when they did baby girl was already making her way out so no epidural for this momma! They called for the doctor and that’s when my fiancé looked at me with tears rolling down his face and said “Our baby girl is coming”😊 I looked at him and mommy mom wanting to lose is and said “I can’t do this!” They were such an amazing support system for me! Anywho before the doctor came in they put my legs up and she was trying to push her way out but all I could do was try and breath through the contractions until the doctor got upstairs which was the hardest thing EVER to do. When he got to my room it was time to push! The first push she got her head down,second push her head was out, and the third push she was out!! Needless to say I had to have A LOT of stitches.

Mila Rose born April 30, 2018 at 12:12PM

7lbs 11oz 21 1/4 in long!

Ready to go home!