Tears every night!


I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant with my second child. I have a 4 (soon to be 5) year old daughter. We currently haven’t told her she’s going to be a big sister though she always talks about being a big sister and always asks for a sibling. We have decided to wait until we are 20 weeks to actually tell her (since I had a miscarriage in December 2017). Well she randomly started crying one night and now it has turned into every night before bed. She no longer wants to sleep in her bed and cries that she wants to be with mommy in her bed. She has gotten so sentimental and attached to me. During the day she hugs and kisses my belly even though we haven’t told her she’s going to be a big sister it’s almost like she knows. Has this happened to anyone? My daughter use to always sleep in her bed without a problem and she hardly cries plus daddy has always been her fave. But now it’s all about mommy and tears every night my poor baby. Makes us feel awful and we eventually let her sleep with us in our queen size bed😑 Any advice?