sex help! :( (maybe tmi)


so my son was born 14 weeks ago. at the 8 week mark my husband and I were given the go ahead to have sex again, well we finally (after lots of planning) found time to have sex. so everything goes fine, he takes care of me and it's good. then it's time for sex, we were both a bit hesitant just because I tore pretty bad giving birth and wasn't sure how things would feel, I'm also off the pill and we are using condoms for the first time in years. anyways we start missionary style ( I read that was the best position to start) and we go for a bit but then he gets tired so we switch positions. at this point I rolled eyes a bit, yes i know i shouldn't have but hes always coming up with reasons not to be on top and I just knew a reason would come up this time. so then we go to the side and he just cant get it up anymore. needless to say we were both upset. I'm upset because since getting pregnant (almost a year ago to date) we have only had sex like 5 times. yes part of it is my fault since i had terrible morning sickness but he always had reasons on why we shouldnt. and this whole not being able to get it up thing has happened before, he gets to Much in his head and cant do it. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has gone through this? I was really looking forward to tonight and its been totally ruined. maybe some advice?