Should I be worried?

I’m 12 weeks exactly. Not been getting any sleep at all maybe like 2-4 hours a night. All this week I’ve been unable to eat and keep anything down. Literally everyday I’m throwing all my food and even water up. So worried that the baby isn’t getting any nutrients and neither am I. I have an appointment on 3 days. What should I do. I’ve become emotional every time I throw up now.


Ended up going to urgent care and they sent me to the ER. Had 2 bags of fluids. Was super dehydrated and wasn’t getting enough nutrients. They gave me some medicine to help with the nausea and vomiting and I can finally eat!!!! They also did a urinalysis and found that I had a small uti starting so they gave me antibiotics. After all that though both me and the baby are fine. Thank you for all your help!!