Today is finally my turn!


After an entire year worth of fertility visits, taking femara, injections, trigger shots, and nothing...

I decided to take the month off, I couldn’t handle the trips to the clinic before work anymore or the disappointment. We just tried to have sex a few times a week and I took muscinex for about a week during what I thought was my fertile week (I have long cycles usually). I don’t even know how many days past ovulation I am but after having a bad fever Thursday night and strep throat a couple people said oh maybe you’re pregnant. I ignored it and being only day 30 of my usually long cycle I decided why not use an amazon cheapie as I always do and I know it’ll be negative. To my surprise yesterday morning I got a faded second line... I was losing my marbles like ok maybe something is causing a false positive. I waited until 4:30 this morning, although I couldn’t sleep I had to know. My digital said YES!!!

It’s so early and my husband is still sleeping but this is what he will be waking up to! I go to the fertility clinic to confirm this morning at 9:30

Don’t give up hope... for those of you like me that was so annoyed of people saying it’ll happen when you stop trying I used to be like ok yeah thanks take a hike haha... well this is the proof of when you stop making it your primary focus and I wish I stopped trying months ago to be able to have my bfp!

My husband is a huge Yankees fan and I bought this baby jersey about 6 months ago...I’m so excited to show him.