Blood and Periods let’s talk about them

Y’all ever realize how much bleed while on your period. It’s crazy dude. I was about to hop in the shower and I guess I released blood, when I looked down I found myself in a small pool of blood nothing crazy like that one scene in The Shining

but it was a small little puddle. I had never really taken notice to how much I bled while menstruating nor how many articles of clothing I had to trash because I bled through a pad or tampon. For instance when I was still dancing I had to throw out at least 12 leotards because of how much blood had gotten on them. I would often joke with friends that the leotards could pass as costumes for extras on a Tarantino film or that my period was just a gory movie in my pants.

I don’t know I feel like periods are such a normal part of life that a lot of people experience and are unfortunately told to be private about experiencing it. I was lucky enough to go to an all girl school for most of my life but even in that environment I was told to be discreet about “my time of the month” because it might make male faculty uncomfortable. But it was nice to have other people experiencing and complaining about the same things I dealt with while on my period.

Today while standing in that tiny pool of blood I felt so embarrassed about something I don’t have control of. At work I feel awkward and try to avoid male co-workers as I make my way to the bathroom with a tampon. It’s just so weird that we acknowledge periods but we don’t actually acknowledge them. This probably makes absolutely no sense at all but what I’m trying to get at is. The normalization or periods has become a thing but not fully. We need to keep pushing and keep talking about it because it’s not something anyone should be embarrassed about.

Let me know what your period complaints are. Have you ever found yourself in a tiny pool of blood? How do you deal with the work bathroom thing? Lastly, Advil or Midol? Also feel free to leave any of your questions.