How not to focus on TTC?


Hey all,

I’m turning 35 in september and been TTC for 7 months now, every month has been disappointing for now. We have no children yet.

While friends of mine get/got pregnant after only a few attempts I’m gering worried. Worried I’m getting too “old” and that I don’t have any eggs left and so on...

Some people tell me not to focus on TTC and I’m trying so hard to do so, but how is that even possible when you want to creat a family so badly. Even when I’m trying to take my mind off it, my bf is talking about babies and our desire.

Last month I tried to focus on healthy living, healthy food...

Any tips on not to worry, be more relaxed, taking my mind of TTC, ... anything... are welcome.

Feeling a bit down now that I had another BFN..