First time mom!


I’m a first time mom so any negative comment keep the shit to you self thanks 😊

Anyways, my son is 5 days old.. I mainly strictly breast feed but a few times in the middle of the night when I didn’t pump enough (he won’t latch yet been working on it, he has once but not anymore) I give him formula and I tried the kind the hospital gave us.. he didn’t do so well with it. So his pediatrician gave us most samples of the gentlease, I made sure to ask if I could mix like him eat formula and breast milk they said that it was fine as long as it wasn’t constant, anyways. He gets super gassy and I hate seeing him get that way and hiccup a lot anything I can do to help that or any formula anybody suggest 100% cause after one more try of one I’m done trying new ones I ain’t ruining him Little Tummy. And yes I’ve gave him gas drops approved by pediatrician.