Sleep regression?


My son will be 10 months on aug 1st. He used to always take a 2hr nap in the morning and now he is down to taking an hr nap for both his first and second naps. Third nap sometimes 45 minutes other times he won’t even fall asleep. (Weekends)

During the week he goes to daycare and usually doesn’t nap. When I pick him up I nurse him then he’s out for 2 hrs. Sometimes we’ll even have to wake him because he’ll sleep for 2.5hrs probably longer if we let him. (It’s too close to dinner and bed time so we have to wake him) but now it’s 45minutes to an hour.

Is this normal? Does he just not need that much sleep anymore?

Lately if he did take a good nap he goes to bed around 6. We try to let him sleep til 6 or later if he will.. but he usually wakes up by himself by 5 sometimes 530 REGARDLESS of how early or late he goes to sleep