Got some cray deals on baby stuff.

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I love that I live in a local and environmental oriented town. A local company is doing clearance on their 100% cotton organic baby line (they’re coming out with their new seasonal line)

They were selling baby onesies and sleepers for $2 each, $5 promotional price on their new line (the alpaca onesie), $5 for a wrap carriers and blankets, and 2/$1. Not pictured: food grade silicone bottles/reusable purée pouches (multiple nipples) $3 each.

I went a little crazy, but I spent the same amount that I would have (actually a little less still) if i would have bought cheap items, but instead I got high quality, adorable, UBER SOFT, locally crafted, organic 100% cotton items ❤️.

And they should have this sale with their new items in about 6 months and I’m pumped to go buy the new amazing patterns when their next sale happens!

EDIT: for some reason my picture keeps getting cropped post upload, like it looks right and then messes up after it’s posted. Hopefully this one works?

Okay I took a pic with everything in the top right corner, maybe now everything will be pictures post glow crop?
