Realized I gave up after trying so hard...

Him about to turn 30 and me turn 23 I knew eventually our sex life would go downhill..... I had no idea after the birth of our daughter I would have to fight and beg for him to have sex with me once a month. It caused ALOT and I mean ALOT of issues between us. He would promise we would try more, it would last for a month before going back to not wanting sex and I had a very high sex drive. Well after almost two years in October I sat on the couch realizing I haven’t felt the least bit sexy in almost two months. We haven’t had sex in almost a month, and this time instead of feeling upset and angry at him and myself I just feel sad. Yeah it would have been nice at the beginning of our relationship to know this would happen, I probably would have rethought a few things, but why am I going to beg for something he doesn’t want. Why do I want to guilt him into sex? It makes me feel worse thinking I’ve been doing that. And I think my body is finally getting the hint so I am not getting that urge anymore. It’s sad and I may look back on it many years from now thinking this could have been different. But I mean if he refuses to try then he’ll im not going to make him feel good about himself. I’m not begging. I would rather give up on the sex than make myself smaller. If hes fine with it then so am I.... sorry I just wanted to throw a pity party for myself 🎉