I just want to complain is all

You would think the one night our daughter is staying over at her grandparents we would do something date night like since we never do and spend it together. Nope I’m upstairs in the kitchen sorting paperwork while my husband mopes around in a bad mood downstairs.

Our bank pissed him off and nothing can be done till Monday so he is just stomping around upset all weekend. And blaming me since we went with my bank when we married five years ago. Just want to complain cause it makes me feel like shit and I have no one to talk to.

We haven’t done a true date night in a long time anything out of the ordinary gives him bad anxiety and he won’t see anyone about it so I have learned if I want to do anything I do it alone. If I want to take my daughter somewhere fun I do it alone while he complains he is left out but won’t come.

Don’t get me wrong I love my husband and he treats me just fine but someone with anxiety doesn’t just effect that person it affects the family and he doesn’t realize that most of the time he just sees it affecting himself and my daughter and I are just fine.

Being 35 weeks pregnant doesn’t help the emotion either. But right now I feel like crap emotionally.