Fear of Announcing on social media, opinions please.


So on august 13, i’ll have my next doctors appointment which ill be @ 14 weeks 2 days ... doctor will check heartbeat etc ....

I am also surprising my oldest daughter (10 turning 11 years old) to the on the run tour (Beyonce/Jay Z) ... i wanna get us matching outfits and i’m sure i’ll wanna post on social media but so afraid because of my miscarriage this March.

Initially, i wanted to announce @ like 20 weeks when i find out sex but i’ll wanna post these concert pics

p.s I still haven’t told my 10 year old about pregnancy because she’s been in NYC all summer visiting with her dad + she sort of took miscarriage in March hard ... don’t plan to tell her until August 13 either 🙈🙈

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