Baby Choking On Spit Up

H 💍👧🏼👶🏼🤰🏼

My daughter was born 7/23 and I am totally head over heels in love with her! She doesn’t spit up very much. She is breastfeed but we supplement with formula. Twice, after formula, she spit up a ton and legitimately choked on it. Not like coughing - full fledge choking, no breathing or gasping - no air flow at all. The first time was in the hospital. My husband ran and got the nurses while I leaned her forward and patted her back like I was burping her. She eventually got it out and started breathing. The nurses said it’s more common than you think and to use the bulb syringe to help clear it. She just did it again, we used the bulb syringe, and she is fine now. Has anyone else ever experienced this? My biggest fear is that it will happen while we are all sleeping and I won’t hear it and won’t be able to help her. She sleeps in a bassinet right next to me, so I pray I would hear it. I’m also planning to switch to a slower flow nipple. We’ve been using the disposable ones the hospital gave us, so I will stop using those. Does anyone have suggestions that might help or similar experiences? I am completely terrified of this happening without me realizing. Thanks in advance!