Have I gone mad?

Buckle your seat belts, this is gonna be a bumpy ride...

So 6 years ago I started dating this guy, at the time I thought he hung the moon. We dated on and off again for the next 4 years (all throughout high school) he would break up with me and go fuck/date other girls and would come back to me once he was done. After we graduated he joined the corps and we had been consistent ever since.. we got engaged, got married, we were happy, or so I thought.. three months ago I found out he was still talking to other women and fucking some when he got the chance.. when I found out he was gone for work for 2 weeks, during that time I decided to leave. I packed up all of my belongings, everything that was mine that I knew I would need and moved in with some friends. When he got back we talked and shit went south.. he was so drunk that he was constantly screaming at me at the top of his lungs, grabbing me, trying to make me kiss him, and eventually put his hands on me.. before he left for deployment we talked and agreed that we were getting a divorce once he got back (mind you, he got back from being in the girls a week and a half before he deployed so we didn’t have enough time to get divorced.) Well, I was at the beach a week and a half ago and I met this guy.. we’ve been together every day since. He makes me so unbelievably happy, I swear I have not laughed this much in years.. the friends I’m currently living with have a lot of stuff going on so I have to move out soon. The guy I’m talking to was talking to me about getting an apartment together and honestly... I’m all for it. Does that make me crazy? Stupid? I don’t know how to explain it but this guy makes me so damn happy.. my friend from back home says she thinks I’m rushing into this, and she might be right.. but I feel happy, and that’s what happens, right? Sorry for the long post but I just need to know if I’m bonkers for doing this or not