

I had an iud for 7 years 1 for 4 years then another put in for 2 when that one expired. I got my iud out in July 19th early. Baby danced that day and the next day got a period for 3 days heavy then light pink spotting the following two days. I didn’t have a period the whole time I had my iud in except the 3 months before removal I started getting a period again. My doctor said the period probably returned because I have lost almost 100lbs and I’m healthier. The last four days I have been extremely tired, nauseous and hungry at the same time, bloated, and constipated like so bad I’m in pain and almost get sick trying to go (sorry tmi). My cervix was low and open and now is high and closed. Cm is light and creamy. Glow says I should ovulate around aug 5th and next period would be due around the 10th. Could I already be pregnant though. I hear your very fertile after the removal and I’m wondering if I got pregnant the day I got it removed. Could I be pregnant and still have had that 3 day period? So confused. I did take a test a few days ago and it said negative but I think it was to early

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