

Does your boyfriend/husband do surprising romantic things for you??

Obviously my life is not a movie but I know girls whose men do such romantic things for them like surprises and grand gestures, and mine, well, doesn’t lol.

Don’t get me wrong he’s amazing, he rubs my feet all the time and loves me so so much. He works his butt off to provide and loves to snuggle lol. And this is amazing! But we’ve been together for almost 8 years and I could probably count the amount of times he’s gone out of his own way to surprise me with a romantic gesture on one hand...without using all the fingers on that one hand lol. I know men think differently then woman but like I said, I know women whose men are super romantic! Like, proposal at the Eiffel Tower type of romantic!

And I do try to surprise him and do random things for him, “just because”, on a fairly regular basis!

So my question is, does your man go out of his way to surprise you/does romantic gestures for no reason on a regular basis? Or even just once in a while??