I am a mess


I am 35 weeks pregnant and have a 16 month old.

I literally took a long shower to clean up my downstairs and after that, I feel ready to pass out.

I need to organize and clean but my energy is horrible. I work full time so weekends are my only opportunity to get my house together.

Anyway my husband and I have been fighting a lot, mostly its about cleaning. He will watch my daughter but just sit on his computer.

If I am watching her its like me trying to entertain her and clean. I am so tired of arguing and feeling alone in getting my life together.

I feel like I am the only one with initiative and I can’t do as much as I want or I will pass out. Anyway makes me just want to cry because if I ask something I have to ask multiple times and if I say hey you said you would do this blah blah he is like oh your nagging.

I am not a neat freak, I just am trying to keep up with the house before it gets too out of hand. My husband could care less but it urks me to come home and see a mess esp when I just cleaned..

We haven’t even picked a name for our second and have no gotten all her stuff ready. I just want to not feel alone in this whole getting ready. I am going to have a c section and still trying to figure out my work stuff because I haven’t worked for my company for a year. I asked him to sign up/ put our daughter on the waiting list for daycare and he hasn’t even done that.


Rant over.