Gave birth at 37 weeks and 6 days... (long story)


Finally I get to share my birth story💙... it all started Monday on July 23 I had a drs apt at 10:00am to check my blood pressure I been going twice a week now because of my high blood pressure so I get their thinking nothing of it they check my blood pressure 3 times and it’s really high at this point I’m thinking fuck they’re going to send me to L&D; sure enough the nurse holds my hand and looks at me and says “I’m sorry honey but we have to send you to L&D; and they might have to induce you go grab something to eat and make your way to the L&D; because you might be their for awhile.” The feeling inside me I was so scared and nervous my eyes started getting watery she asked me if I was okay and I said I’m sorry yes I’m just taking it in I didn’t expect this. So I left I called my husband right away and I said “babe I have bad news they sent me to L&D; because of my high blood pressure they might induce me today.” At this time I haven’t ate nothing at all and I was starving I told my husband to meet me at Denny’s and then we can go to the L&D.; My husband got off work right away and came to Denny’s I said let’s eat something big because idk how long we are going to be there for (in my head I’m thinking maybe the dr will send me back home lol) we eat and my husband says let’s go grab our bags at home and come back thankfully the hospital is only like 5 mins away from my house. We rush home and grabbed all of our bags and baby’s diaper bag and his car seat and we get to L&D; at this time is like 2:00pm the nurses are like “we have been waiting for you” lol I’m like I’m sorry I wanted to eat a big meal before coming here. So right away they put me in this check up room asking me questions and monitoring my blood pressure and baby’s heartbeat we were there for about 49 mins and then a dr comes in and says “okay we are going to induce you today you are consider full term at 37 weeks so we don’t want to send you home because your blood pressure can get worse and you won’t even know at home and is bad for baby.” I look at my husband and man I started crying I was so scared and nervous and excited at the same time. They start putting me an IV Fluid tube in my wrist and they wheel me into my L&D; room. Then my dr comes in and says “we are going to give you this pill (I forgot the name) but we are going to give it to you every 4 hours for 24 hours it’s 6 pills in total to soften your cervix and help you dilate if that doesn’t help we will give you pitocin for your contractions to get stronger and soften your cervix and if that doesn’t help we will insert a balloon with water inside you and help you soften your cervix and dilate.” Long story short they gave me all 6 doses the next day (Tuesday) I was only dilated to a 1!!!!! Man oh man at this point I was so sad lol then they gave me the pitocin omg my contractions were getting crazy and strong hours later they check me again and I was only a 2!!! At this point I’m thinking I’m gonna be here forever!!! Lol 😂 so they insert the balloon inside me around 9pm omg my contractions were so bad I was crying I had to ask for the epidural right away!! They gave it to me and omg best feeeling ever I couldn’t feel anything!!! Then Wednesday around 4am they checked me i was a 5cm man I was so happy at this point!! I asked the nurse when will I have the baby??? She said “oh probably tonight or tomorrow morning” I was like awwh man 😩 that’s going to be more pain for me lol little did I know an hr later at 5am they broke my water and take out the balloon and check me again I’m a 7cm! Like wth already??? lol 😂 I told my nurse am I having contractions??? because I don’t feel nothing! But I feel pressure down there like I need to push 😩! Mins later she calls the dr and 4 other nurses to come they ask me if I can push my husband gets up right away and the dr is telling him it’s time!! I pushed 7 times and baby was born on Wednesday July 25 at 5:20am 6 lbs and 12 oz David Alberto Aquino III aka “D3” best day of life!!! I was in labor for almost 3 days but it was worth it 💙 didn’t leave the hospital till Friday because of my high blood pressure but I’m doing better🙏🏽